7 Reasons Randy Orton Should Stay With The Wyatts

The Viper has a chance to do something unprecedented alongside the Eater of Worlds.

Bray Wyatt Randy Orton

Once Survivor Series is over we'll see many of the alliances that have formed on the Raw and SmackDown teams break apart, but there is one that preceded the Survivor Series build-up and should continue once the battle of the brands is over. I'm referring to Orton's allegiance to the Wyatt Family.

Orton has had a relatively underwhelming return to action since his mauling at the hands of Brock Lesnar, and Bray Wyatt consistently drifts in and out of the collective WWE consciousness. Their partnership is currently flying a little bit under the radar, with most fans resigned to the obvious notion that Orton will turn on Bray and restart his run-of-the-mill babyface role. This really ought to be avoided though and if WWE are truly trying to run new and fresh angles this should definitely be kept a part of SmackDown Live going forward.

Here are 7 reasons why Randy Orton should remain a part of the Wyatt Family.

7. It's Unusual

Bray Wyatt Randy Orton

If nothing else, the pairing of Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt is unorthodox. It is unusual for a performer of Orton's star power to take a subordinate role to a younger wrestler, while it's even more unusual for Wyatt to succeed in bringing someone notable into his flock. They are two competitors that share little to no similarities in terms of character, in-ring style, or experience, and usually a teaming-up of such superstars would be nixed before it even began.

But the Orton/Wyatt pairing, if genuine, shows us that the WWE can allow their performers to be put in situations outside their comfort zone to see what they can make of it. If WWE continue their 'new era' mantra this could prove to be a good example of unconventional booking allowing talent the opportunity to display unique, engaging story lines.


University of Edinburgh student, freelance writer and all-round banter merchant.