7 Reasons Why Supermodel Ellie Gonsalves Is "The Next Big Thing"

7. She's A Pro Wrestling Fan

For WWE fans, this likely could be the only reason needed to believe that Ellie is the "The Next Big Thing." Anyone that follows pro wrestling understands that the business is not what it used to be. WWE has completely been immersed in pop culture, thanks to the mass market appeal of its Superstars and the quality of its programming. WWE's popularity has of course also grown with celebrities and someone like Ellie is no different. For those that remember the days when it was not fashionable to advertise a love of professional wrestling, this modern era of acceptance is definitely the best time to be a fan. And for male WWE fans, to see a gorgeous supermodel come out in support of the business is by far one of those scenes that is more of a dream than a reality. And the truth is that many female fans these days are in it for more than just the sex appeal of the Superstars. They actually know the WWE product, are familiar with its history and appreciate where the company is heading in the future. To imagine a fan like that wrapped up in the package that is Ellie Gonsalves? That is very fashionable indeed.

Host of Tom Clark's Main Event, WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and a Contributor for the Camel Clutch Blog http://tomclarkbr.wix.com/blog tomclarksmainevent.libsyn.com