It's time to consider the idea of trading Dolph Ziggler to NXT. Yeah, I said it, and with good reason, too. At present, Dolph Ziggler is a former two-time World Champion with tons of talent who's mired in a mid-card feud and saddled with a valet that he shares no charismatic tie with whatsoever. Dolph's also a great wrestler who deserves the opportunity to be a more active part of the other "revolution" happening in WWE, that of pure wrestlers engaging in competitive grappling tilts. For more reasons than those though, Dolph Ziggler is an ideal fit for NXT. At one time, Tyson Kidd was -- similar to Ziggler -- a performer mired in WWE's midcard in need of something more. In Kidd's case, it was being given more free reign in developing a character that was more unique to himself that allowed him to a) ascend to NXT's main event and b) regain the confidence in himself as a performer to return to WWE's main roster and excel in the tag team division. If Ziggler can do the same in NXT, it'd actually be a great gift to WWE overall. Dolph Ziggler's unequivocally great as an all-around performer. Here's seven reasons why giving him the refresh he needs will give him the results he richly deserves.
Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.