7 Reasons Why Lucha Underground Is Way Better Than WWE

1. Announcing That Doesn€™t Make You Groan

Matt Striker was always one of the better WWE announce talents when he was employed by them, and he has been a major loss to their announce team since leaving. Recently he called the NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 8 event alongside the legendary Jim Ross, and one of the major pieces of buzz that came out from that event was just how good Matt Striker had gotten on commentary. It is fair to say that the freedom and encouragement that Lucha Underground has given to him has been hugely influential in allowing Striker to shape himself into one of the finest announcers in all of wrestling. We all know that in WWE the announce team have Vince McMahon yelling in their ears about what they can and can€™t say, and what they are doing wrong. You only have to check out the leaked live feed of a frustrated Michael Cole getting fed up with McMahon and then feebly apologising later on to realise what a hellish existence being a WWE announcer must in fact be. And the simple fact of the matter is that McMahon doesn€™t want to talk about wrestling, or holds, or even belts (they are to be called championships only). So the contrast between the painful announcing on WWE shows, and the liberated, knowledgeable, and entertaining commentary from Matt Striker is like night and day. Rather than simply shilling products, or trying to get himself over by relaying incredibly lame jokes and observations, Striker is allowed to talk about wrestling. He gives us history lessons on aspects of Mexican wrestling we may be unfamiliar with, and gives us biographies of wrestlers he knows we wouldn€™t have heard of. He utilises his first hand in ring experience to help us viewers understand what is actually happening in the ring, and he helps enhance the story being told by the action in the ring. And through it all he has great banter with his colour commentator Vampiro, who is so laid back he is almost horizontal - but is also genuinely enraptured with the product and respectful to athletes. The analytical and intellectual style of Striker, interplays beautifully with the casual almost stoner persona of Vampiro who just wants to see a good fight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SygzRT-5bE WWE announcing makes its fans want to press the mute button €“ Lucha Underground makes its fans want to get on Wikipedia. And that my friends is the big difference between engaging with a product properly, and watching it simply because it€™s there.

Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.