7 Reasons WWE Needs To Bring Back The Nexus

7. The WWE Needs A Dominant Heel Faction

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Shield_WWE.jpghttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Shield_WWE.jpgWith The Shield turning on Kane this past Monday on RAW, it looks as if plans to break them up may have been put on hold. Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns have become fan favorites, and have gotten over with their in ring performances each week. The rumor is they will be in a 6-man tag match at WrestleMania 30 against Kane and his choice of partners, possibly The New Age Outlaws. If the WWE decides to keep this group together after WrestleMania, they would be working as faces. With The Shield's new role, the WWE would need to replace them with a different heel stable. The Nexus could fill this role perfectly, and could generate the necessary heat from the crowd. It could possibly set up a summer feud between the two groups.
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The Nexus
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Enzo Marino is a WWE writer for WhatCulture. His work has also been published for PWMania.com, WrestlingDVDNews.com and Wrestling-News.net.