7 Reasons WWE Needs To Bring Back The Nexus

1. Wade Barrett Is A WWE Championship Caliber Star

Wade Barrett has all the tools that the WWE is looking for to be a WWE Champion. Barrett has the size, look, in ring ability, heel persona and the microphone skills so important in today's wrestling. He was a former Intercontinental Champion, however he has yet to win WWE Championship gold. After being injured, and then having travel issues with his work visa, Barrett was off television for months. He has recently returned with the Bad News gimmick and trademark giant rising podium. While he has been entertaining, this is not the right role for a serious WWE Superstar. Barrett needs to ditch the gimmick, and leave the comedy to wrestlers like Santino and Hornswaggle. Reforming The Nexus, would bring Wade Barret back to a prominent leadership role in the WWE, and would thrust him back into the main event picture as he was when they first arrived on the scene years ago.
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Enzo Marino is a WWE writer for WhatCulture. His work has also been published for PWMania.com, WrestlingDVDNews.com and Wrestling-News.net.