7 Reasons WWE Network Is Failing

6. The Online Only Version Is Confusing For Some Users

A big reason why WWE was unable to get the WWE Network launched in 2012 when they had hoped is because they couldn't find a deal that would have broadcasted their shows on regular cable or satellite programming. They wanted it to be a television station in the traditional sense. It took them two years of failing to launch it on TV for them to change it to this thing where you could only access it online in the United States. In Canada, WWE Network is available on television. People like accessing it that way. The archive isn't what it is in the US at this point, but they say that it's coming. It's the traditional way of watching television. Loading up WWE Network to watch it on your phone or iPad and then plug it into your TV isn't that convenient. Users want to watch a television show the normal way, then use their handheld device to contact people about what they're watching. It's a mistake to assume that every consumer is some tech savvy nerd that knows what they're doing when it comes to accessing WWE Network. They made a mistake in thinking that everybody was going to subscribe that way. The majority of people watch TV by turning it on and putting it to the right channel. Using a machine to project it onto the television just isn't the same. If WWE Network was on a television channel in the US, they'd probably have 1 million subscribers by now. It's an accessibility issue.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.