7 Reasons WWE Roadblock May Outdo WrestleMania 32

4. Bray Wyatt Is A Better Opponent For Brock Lesnar

While the booking to set up the Ambrose/Lesnar match has been done quite well and came together organically rather than WWE taking two names and throwing them together and then building a program around them, it's hard to buy The Lunatic Fring as a credible threat to The Beast Incarnate. Part of the problem is that Ambrose has some of the weakest offense of any WWE main eventer in recent memory. His strikes are loose - although not nearly as bad as Shane McMahon's - he flails around like a rabid spider monkey and the rebound clothesline has worn out its welcome thanks to him using the spot far too frequently. Bray Wyatt, on the other hand, is a much bigger man who wrestles a hard-hitting, impactful style. It's hard to take anyone seriously as a threat to Lesnar, but his matches use one of two formulas: either he faces someone smaller and athletic to create the movement around him while he ravages the ring like a Cloverfield monster, or he squares off with someone who stiffs and him back and they hoss the sh*t out of each other. Ambrose fits in neither category, while Wyatt falls into the latter. The unfortunate thing is that Bray's booking has been abysmal and he's nowhere near the threat he should be. Hopefully a strong showing against Lesnar - which will undoubtedly end with him losing, possibly via DQ - will go a long way in remedying that. Either way, the match itself should be outstanding.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.