7 Steps To Make Seth Rollins The Face Of WWE

5. Roman Reigns Cashes In On Braun Strowman

seth rollins

I know, I know, it's not exactly original to suggest that Roman Reigns should turn heel, seeing as how it's been parroted over and over again by hardcore fans for years now. However, given how now there are two red hot main event babyfaces on RAW with Strowman and Seth, WWE don't need Roman to be the guy anymore. If there was ever a time where it would be natural and necessary to turn Roman Reigns heel, it would be now or in the coming months.

What better way to have him turn heel than to cash in on Braun Strowman? Possibly right after defeating Brock for the strap a la Randy Orton on Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam 2013. Just like in that story, you have an unconventional babyface hero being robbed of his greatest accomplishment by the unpopular corporate champion.

It would be the perfect role for Roman, and it would channel all the negative energy fans have toward him and his push and make it a positive. Now we have the perfect villain for Seth to eventually slay at WrestleMania.

But what's to be done in the interval?


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.