7 Things WWE Got Right At NXT TakeOver: San Antonio

Another TakeOver, another hit for NXT.

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Much has been made about NXT's supposed tribulations recently, and as such NXT TakeOver: San Antonio came with no small amount of pressure. The card looked somewhat weak compared to previous TakeOvers, with key recent performers such as The Revival and Samoa Joe absent from the show entirely. NXT is in transition and San Antonio promised to give the fans an insight into how difficult that transition would be.

So was TakeOver: San Antonio a success? From an objective view out of context it almost certainly was. All the matches were good to great and the show featured enough high points and surprises to keep even the most ardent of NXT fans engaged. New champions were crowned in the shape of Authors of Pain and Bobby Roode, and the show piqued interest ahead of WrestleMania season.

How big a success remains to be seen, but here are seven things that WWE got right in with NXT's show in San Antonio.


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