7 Things WWE Need To Stop Doing Every WrestleMania
4. Trying To Make Roman Reigns A Sympathetic Hero

It's becoming tradition that WWE put their full weight behind Roman Reigns come WrestleMania season and try to turn him into the second coming of Hulk Hogan. This has been the case for the past four years now, and it must stop.
Reigns is talented, works hard and has shown he suits the shoot-style promos WWE have scripted for him recently. When coming across as someone with a chip on his shoulder who cares little about upsetting others, Roman is great. That makes it even more frustrating that, come 'Mania 34, he'll be portrayed as a sympathetic hero.
That's why Brock Lesnar was written to demolish him on Raw, and it's why Reigns did the stretcher job. Sympathy is an excellent tool in wrestling when the victim is someone fans feel affinity with, but Roman isn't that man. Instead, he's viewed as the apple of Vince McMahon's eye and not someone to feel sorry for.
Why can everyone else see that, while WWE refuse to?