7 Things You Only Learn From Being Part Of WWE ThunderDome
6. WWE’s Host Directs Cheers And Boos
Years ago, TNA received a ton of backlash from the internet community for pre-show videos that popped up showing staff laying out the rules for fans in attendance. According to Impact, fans had a role to play for the viewer at home. Something similar happened back in the early-90s when WCW taped at Disney.
WWE's ThunderDome is no different.
A host is on hand to direct 'Dome users when to cheer and boo something. Usually, this boils down to requesting that people give an obvious 'thumbs down' when a heel does something dastardly, or when they're about to pipe booing through to fans watching at home (more on that later).
In short, WWE are very hands-on with telling folks using the ThunderDome how to react. This is hardly natural, and in effect turns the peeps on those screens into puppets that production supremos like Kevin Dunn can use to help tell stories.
They want to pull the strings here.