7 Times Vince McMahon Thought WWE's Royal Rumble Sucked

4. Shawn Michaels' Big Injury

Shawn Michaels The Undertaker Casket Match Royal Rumble 1998

This is a bit of a strange one, because it has nothing to do with the actual Rumble match itself.

At the 1998 event, Shawn Michaels landed awkwardly on top of the casket during a WWF Title match with The Undertaker and would eventually require major surgery that (at the time) was considered career-ending. The timing of his injury was disastrous for McMahon and company; HBK was required to put rising phenom Steve Austin over at WrestleMania.

Though that still happened and Shawn fought through the pain, he'd go on to miss the next four years due to severe back pain. Think about the timing here: Vince had lost another stalwart, Bret Hart, to WCW in late-1997. Now, two months later, he was faced with the prospect of shedding Michaels too. This must've had the gaffer cursing his luck.

Two marquee full-timers disappeared from the top of cards within the span of a few months, and that had to be depressing. Worse, Shawn's big spill over the ropes on top of the coffin at the Rumble had been totally avoidable. Vince could have been forgiven for muttering a quiet, 'F*ck the Rumble' after that one.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.