7 Times Wrestlers Recovered From A Burial

5. Dolph Ziggler (Royal Rumble 2015)

Cm Punk Unforgiven 2008

To say Dolph Ziggler has been booked poorly is an understatement.

The sad truth is that we could put Dolph Ziggler on this list at least five times due to his constant start-stop booking. In fact, his poor booking has caused his undeniable talent to go to waste to the point where every single WWE fan knows not to get too excited when ‘The Showoff’ receives one of his many mini-pushes.

The Royal Rumble 2015 is infamous for all the wrong reasons. It could be accused of pushing the wrong superstars and deliberately trolling the fans, but one undebatable fact about the 2015 Royal Rumble is that it buried an unprecedented amount of young talent. Dean Ambrose, Cesaro, Wade Barrett and Mizdow were thrown to the wolves, amongst others. Despite all this, the talent that suffered the most from the Rumble has to be Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler walked into the event with boatloads of momentum, having single-handedly (technically) defeated The Authority at Survivor Series and earned himself the number 30 spot. The pop when Ziggler’s music hit was deafening, despite everyone already knowing it was going to be him. He lasted a grand total of two minutes before being ruthlessly knocked out by The Big Show and subsequently thrown over the top rope.

For most superstars, this would have been a saddening end to their relevance -but Ziggler managed to continue his brilliant in-ring work and put on instant classics with the likes of the Miz and Seth Rollins, even becoming the first-ever Intercontinental champion to successfully defend his title in the main event of a pay-per-view where the Intercontinental title was the only one on the line.

Fast-forward to 2018, and Dolph is a keystone in RAW’s premier storyline, and we’re all excited to see what the future holds for him and Drew McIntyre.

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