OK. So, post-breakup of The Shield, Dean Ambrose became a "lunatic who lives in the desert," Seth Rollins became "the future of the WWE" and well, ridiculously, Roman Reigns still wears the exact same thing, hasn't changed his look or catchphrase and is somehow main eventing Wreslemania. Paul Heyman's come to the rescue and laid out that he's a "bad ass dude who's driven by being as great as members of his family were," but is that really enough? Has there ever been a Wrestlemania main eventer with a less defined character ever? Characters give fans something to sink their teeth into. If The Shield broke up and Reigns said, "I'm not taking off this gear because I still believe in what it stand for," then that would've been cool and given him some character dimensions. Instead, he's just a big dude who hits people hard. Brock Lesnar is similar, but he's also a championship-level mixed martial artist. Reigns? Just a black-haired and blue-eyed Samoan with biceps. Can he be more? Yes. Will he be more? One can only hope.
Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.