7 Ups & 1 Down From NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Night 2

6. Undisputed Escobar

Santos Escobar Legado Del Fantasma Son

"Aww". That's all anyone was saying on social media when Escobar's nine-year old son came out to hold one of those Cruiserweight belts and pose with his father. A beaming smile crossed Santos' face as he watched his boy lap up the attention on TakeOver, and there's something lovely about that.

Escobar was the right winner generally too.

It shouldn't be forgotten that Devlin got a visual win before Legado Del Fantasma raced out to stop him winning either. The 'Irish Ace' also got to shine in those aforementioned high spots, but it was nice to see WWE thrash things out after what felt like forever and crowd an undisputed Cruiserweight Champ.

One side note: Santos might want to think about remodelling that title. The purple look conjures up images of those 205 Live segments on Raw from 2016-2017, and that's not really a good thing. Those memories come with an accompanying stench, and his undisputed reign doesn't deserve that.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.