7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (31 May - Results & Review)
2. This Tiny Piece Of Business
Triple H's WWE has become deft at lacing shows with tiny, seemingly-insignificant moments that become important later on. For proof, check out AJ Styles pausing to whisper something in the ear of Cody Rhodes before going through the curtain to "retire" from the ring. That laid the groundwork for his attack to come.
WWE didn't reveal what AJ said to Cody, but it was likely something about their banger of a match at Backlash. Maybe Styles was thanking Rhodes for that bout to soften him up for the following segment. In other words, AJ got the champ to lower his guard all over again.
That's delicious.
Previously, Cody had looked like a fool for trusting AJ's Bullet Club horns gesture pre-Backlash. Creative washed away any worries of more gullible babyface stupidity by having Styles lay his (put on) emotions bare. It was realistic that Rhodes would get swept up in the retirement stuff and walk right into a trap.