7 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 26)

6. Cesaro’s Bid For Revenge

Cesaro Seth Rollins Shinsuke Nakamura

WWE nailed Cesaro's presentation this week.

Michael Cole and Corey Graves acted like he was someone's older brother coming to avenge Shinsuke Nakamura when he marched out in his suit, and the way Seth cowardly scrambled away as Cesaro checked on his old tag partner was simple-but-effective stuff.

The complete lack of comedy helped too. That had blighted some earlier exchanges between Cesaro and Rollins, and so it was ace to see creative move on from hokey jokes; they've switched from "brass rings" to big swings, which is welcome. Cesaro swinging Seth around backstage was another exasperating moment for the heel.

No-one will be shocked if Cesaro continues to get the upper-hand over the next few weeks. Like Nakamura, it's hardly problematic if he loses to Rollins in Tampa. Good workers can survive losses so long as their characters are booked strongly and with some consistency.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.