7 Ups & 3 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (18 Nov)

5. Another Brawl, But It Works

Moose Eddie Edwards
IMPACT Wrestling

Admittedly, IMPACT relying on the age-old brawl to build towards Moose vs. Eddie Edwards feels cheap, as, given the history there, there are other, more efficient ways in approaching their World Title showdown.

Nonetheless, their Turning Point clash has now been stamped with a Full Metal Mayhem stipulation, which is appropriate given the extent of their fight here.

Blindsiding Eddie during his backstage interview with Gia Miller, Moose dominated for a large portion, dropping Eddie on the ring apron via Uranage, and placing a chair around his neck, directing him forcefully into the ring post. The chair appeared tighter than it needed to be after this in a sickening display. A Tiger Driver followed as Eddie took control, though Moose scampered before any real damage could be done.

Crucially, he evaded Eddie's attempt at a dive off a ladder, through a table. Had Eddie actually connected with the manoeuvre, it would have needed to be in the show-closing segment, so it's key that he didn't do it. They now have a spot to work towards and build anticipation for throughout their match on Saturday.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.