7 Ups & 3 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (18 Nov)

3. (Mental) War Games

IInspiration Decay
IMPACT Wrestling

Decay wonderfully got inside the heads of the IInspiration ahead of their second outing at Turning Point, confronting them after they were victorious and standing over them, hoisting the Knockouts World Tag Team Titles above them.

This came after Cassie Lee and Jessie McKay had defeated the Undead Bridesmaids. The match itself was nothing special, essentially working as a showcase of Lee and McKay against two knockouts who don't really matter in the overall scheme of IMPACT. A nice reverse hotshot and spinning heel kick on Kimber Lee preceded the ultimate pinfall on Brandi Lauren, making the former IIconics 2-0 in IMPACT.

Post-match, Decay - Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus included, which, really, made this far better - surrounded the IInspiration, who provided some excellent and well-timed facial reactions. They appeared legitimately frightened by the appearance of Rosemary, Havok, and co, thus setting the right atmosphere for Turning Point.

At Bound For Glory, the match was normal for lack of a better term, as Cassie and Jessie hadn't met Decay by then. Because they now know what, exactly, they're dealing with, it allows the story to flesh out better than it was before.

Props, too, to Decay for not actually assaulting the IInspiration. Given their characters, a non-physical confrontation worked more effectively.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.