7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE Raw (17 June - Results & Review)

4. Drew McIntyre Walks Out

WWE Raw Drew McIntyre

An angry Drew McIntyre was one of the chief finger-pointers when WWE re-signed CM Punk. His beef? Partly that Punk had walked out on the company beforehand, had badmouthed it and couldn't be trusted. Now, at least in storyline, Drew's character has just done something similar. Cue Punk to say something along the lines of: 'You criticised me for walking away when you've just done the same thing'.


McIntyre could only utter Punk's name a few times, and he looked appalled at the live crowd for chanting his arch rival's name. Then, pushed to the brink, Drew spat: "I can't do this anymore. I quit!". There's your way to write the Scot out for a bit before he returns to ambush a smug (and physically cleared) Punk.

There was nothing epic about this segment in terms of length. Drew didn't overstay his welcome or try to add unnecessary teases. Nope, he was to-the-point and cut a frustrated figure who'd just watched dreams go up in smoke over in his homeland.

Some of the best plot points flash past.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.