7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (6 Dec - Results & Review)
3. Heel DIY Steals The Tag Titles

Let's be honest about something upfront: DIY and the Motor City Machine Guns could work more aesthetically pleasing matches than this in their sleep, but the quartet prioritised storytelling over 'movez n' spotz'. Good on them for doing that. The in-ring five star dazzling stuff can come later on PLE/at Saturday Night's Main Event if need be. For now, on TV, it was more pressing that they furthered story and character development.
At first, it looked like Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano would be at odds after the tag title match. Swerve, bro! It was all a ruse to sucker the Machine Guns in. Now, it's crystal clear that DIY attacked The Street Profits backstage, and that Gargano used his friendships with Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin to get his team the title shot instead. This has been a solid ‘B’ story for SmackDown recently, and there’s your payoff.
Going forwards, it’ll be interesting to see if MCMG fizzle out, or if they’ll get revenge on the new heel champs. If nothing else, Gargano and Ciampa going rogue is a fun twist for them on the main roster. There's a decent chance Candice LeRae will be installed as their valet soon, so remortgage the house on some six-person tags against The Profits and B-FAB in the near future.
Or, maybe Shelley and Sabin will team up with a female star. Who knows? WWE has options in the tag division for the first time in a while, and that's a huge plus. This heel turn for Gargano worked flawlessly.