7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 9)

3. Bring It On

Seth Rollins Edge

Edge has slowly dispensed with the heelish vibes he exhibited during his WrestleMania program with Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan. That, largely, is due to the complete lack of Bryan in the equation - WWE don't have to worry about returning crowds cheering someone else over Edge.

That babyface challenger spot is all his.

The writers did, however, look beyond his story with Reigns towards future feuds. Edge confronted Seth Rollins backstage after the ex-'Messiah' had qualified for Money In The Bank, and it just looked right. Everyone knows these lads will knock it out of the park when they finally clash for the first time later this year.

Teasing it on SmackDown here was a smart move. WWE's creative team must know that Edge vs. Rollins would work at SummerSlam (maybe they could get a series out of this?), and they're keen to gauge response to it long before going full pelt with that booking.

It's a yes from this fan.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.