7 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE WrestleMania 38 (Night 1)

4. Bianca Belair’s Revenge

WWE WrestleMania 38 Bianca Belair

Then, in the end, Belair got her hand raised.

She's the future of the women's game in this promotion, there's no doubt about it. Giving Bianca revenge for last year's SummerSlam embarrassment was the correct decision. It's worth pointing out that a star of Becky's quality also doesn't lose any street cred for staring at the lights here.

Both women told a solid story of desperation from Lynch. She couldn't put Belair away, and even tried to settle for a countout near the end. When Bianca hauled herself back inside the ring, Becks went on the offensive with punches and lost her composure.

That plot point is one she can use as promo fuel later. For now though, WWE better find Belair some new challengers and take Becky out of the title scene. She's a unique worker in the sense that she can put others over without shedding her own importance.

'Mania 38 was living proof of that.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.