7 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 17)

2. Robert Roode's Jump Start

Roman Reigns Robert Roode

Opportunistic heels take every chance they can to inflict damage on rivals and get the upper hand. That's why it was so good to see Robert Roode sprint out and hit Roman Reigns from behind before their main event could get properly started.

Great heel work rocks.

The announcers subtly guessed that 'King' Corbin had put Roode up to it. This was another good story moment that put Corbin's menace over and showed that Roode and Dolph Ziggler are willing to go the extra mile for their 'King'. Why let Reigns get settled in-ring when he and his cheerleading fanbase can be taken by surprise?

Roode's ambush only made the crowd cheer louder when Roman recovered enough to send his would-be table victim tumbling out of the ring. The entire match was meticulously laid out to sell the idea that Roode, Corbin and Ziggler can't beat Reigns solo, but that Roman also needs some help from The Usos.

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