7 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 22)

5. Sami Zayn’s Protest

Sami Zayn Protest

Did anyone mention that Sami Zayn is a national treasure? Right, that gag is bordering (bordering?!) on overkill now, but his outraged conspiracy theorist character is a total blast and is fast becoming a weekly highlight of WWE television.

On Friday, ol' Sam Zayn carried a sign that said, "#JusticeForSami" then handcuffed himself to the security barricade to protest against WWE's mistreatment of his career. It's genius, and Zayn is the ideal man to play this kind of gimmick. If WWE let him, he'll turn this into permanent gold and something special.

It's good enough, and different enough, to make Sami one of the top heels on SmackDown for good. He contrasts wildly with the serious tone of Roman Reigns, and should rightly be back in the IC Title mix once WWE are done experimenting with Apollo Crews.

Everyone laughing at his protest was the cherry on top too.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.