7 Ups & 6 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (29 July)

5. Don't Involve Everyone

Swinger's Palace last night actually saw your writer smirk at one stage; W. Morrissey walking in as the music abruptly ended, asking what the hell he had just walked into, was the sort of basic comedy your writer adores. The rest of the segment? It was fodder.

Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green visited the place on a date, Petey Williams and Jordynne Grace addressed the odds for Saturday's tournament, Johnny Swinger entered Alisha and Hernandez into the Homecoming tournament, and Morrissey delivered a warning to Alisha that Eddie Edwards wouldn't be walking home after their hardcore match. All basic material here, sadly.

Swinger's Palace literally is now just a spot to get people on the show who wouldn't be there otherwise. It's dire. It needs something fresh to keep it going if IMPACT is planning to do so. Hearing Swinger asking John E. Bravo the odds for quite literally any match gets incredibly tedious after a while.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.