7 Ups And 1 Down For WWE NXT (Jan 20)
Which WWE NXT stars were able to advance to the next round of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic?

With the 2021 Men's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic now well under way, this week's NXT promised even more tag team chaos and the introduction of a new iteration of the illustrious tournament. Lucahdores were set to battle against technical masters, ultimate underdogs needed to find a Way to overcome their tormentors, and the women's division of the black and gold brand were determined to seize the spotlight as only they can.
Away from the two ever-changing brackets, however, a bringer of Doomsday chose to remind us why he's still a force to be reckoned with. The NXT Champion also set his sights firmly on evening the odds when it comes to his inevitable sparring partner Pete Dunne and his cronies. A budding partnership added another layer of intrigue to their increasingly compelling dynamic too, even in defeat.
If all that wasn't enough, though, the brand's two resident no-nonsense balls of violence in Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa were also finally set to collide inside of the formidable Fight Pit structure; An arena where the former holds the one and only victory in its fledgling history.
Needless to say, this week's edition of NXT mostly delivered another stellar two-hour piece of programming, boosted by a set of tournaments with more twists and turns than an episode of Game of Thrones...when it was good. Sure, it wasn't a perfect show, but we'll take Kacy Catanzaro flipping her body into another dimension over fireballs to the face any day...