7 Ups And 1 Down For WWE NXT (Jan 20)

2. Santos Escobar Gets Blind-Sided By A Stallion

Curt Stallion

Clearly in a joyous mood after successfully defending his NXT Cruiserweight Championship against Gran Metalik a few weeks ago, and the success of Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde in their first round Dusty Cup match, Santos Escobar took to the ring with his pals to wax lyrically about his credentials as Champion.

After running down the likes of North American Champion Johnny Gargano, NXT Champion Finn Balor, and even the former top belt holder Karrion Kross, Escobar and co. were rudely interrupted by their Lucha House Rivals. The luchadores, who will face Legado del Fantasma in the next round of the Dusty Classic, were quickly halted in their tracks by the heels in the ring, however. Until the arrival of a long since forgotten presence, that is.

Curt Stallion, the star infamously jumped by Escobar and his goons many moons ago, arrived on the scene, distracting the Cruiserweight Champion before forcing Legado del Fantasma to retreat.

Sure, his re-emergence alongside the LHP felt a touch contrived, but seeing a new challenger step up to Escobar will no doubt lead to more gold from the always-impressive Cruiserweight leader.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...