7 Ups And 1 Down From Last Night's WWE NXT (May 25)

1. Triple Threat Showdown

Jax Asuka

Finally, it was time for the show's main event - Nia Jax versus Carmella versus Alexa Bliss. It was only the third match of the broadcast, so like the opener, it got enough time to tell a story and build some exciting drama.

Bliss immediately ran out of the ring when the bell rang, leaving Jax to dominate Carmella. Still, Carmella hung on, and Bliss picked her spots carefully and came back into the ring when it suited her. They managed to send Jax to the outside (and to be honest, she sold so much more than she does in singles matches that it bordered on unrealistic), but before long, all three women were in on the action.

At one point, Bliss and Carmella tried to take Jax over with a team suplex, but Jax reversed it, hoisting and slamming both women. Later in the contest, Carmella trapped Bliss in the inverted triangle, but Jax pulled Bliss out of the ring. Finally, Jax nailed Carmella with a legdrop to pick up the three count and become the number one contender.

After the match, Asuka came out with her title, and got face to face with Jax in the ring. That match should be a great addition to TakeOver.

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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013