7 Ups And 10 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Dec 28)

4. €˜Please Retire!€™

You had to wonder during the Miz TV segment what they were building toward as little-used under-card wrestlers kept making their way to the ring. And then we got our unfortunate answer. Miz was trying to give his year in review, but Ryback, Goldust, Zack Ryder, R-Truth and Heath Slater all interrupted. While it was great to see these under-utilized guys get some mic time, fans were waiting for the other shoe to drop, and then it did. Big Show lumbered out and proceeded to obliterate everyone €“ except Ryback, who he managed to put over the top rope anyway. Show then entered himself in the 2016 Royal Rumble as the #1 entrant. It€™s so great to see WWE working hard to keep Big Show strong by having him beat up a bunch of younger guys (save Goldust and Truth) who actually could contribute more to the product than being cannon fodder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb2aGSMdrjA Show turns 44 next February and is clearly on the downswing of his career. Fans know it, chanting €œPlease retire!€ at him regularly. At this point, he should probably be put into a tag team (didn€™t he recently say he€™d love to team with Neville?) rather than being pushed as a major threat who ultimately loses anyway.

Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fondly remembers watching WrestleMania III, IV, V and VI and Saturday Night's Main Event, came back to wrestling during the Attitude Era, and has been a consumer of sports entertainment since then. He's written for WhatCulture for more than a decade, establishing the Ups and Downs articles for WWE Raw and WWE PPVs/PLEs and composing pieces on a variety of topics.