7 Ups And 10 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (June 3)
4. Is Bliss Turning? Or Faking Us Out?

Alexa Bliss’ wrestling future is something of an enigma these days, as there are conflicting stories that seem to circulate every so often about whether her in-ring days are over (though she got a little physical Monday night).
But now, there also is a question of whether she’s turning face or just misleading everyone. Bliss has befriended Nikki Cross in recent weeks, and Monday, she came to her defense against the IIconics. Alexa then offered to get Nikki a coffee and acknowledged she’s been rotten to everyone historically, so she’d understand if Cross didn’t want to friend her.
This could be Bliss turning the corner from villainess to babyface, though it also could be luring Nikki (and everyone else) in to use her for some unknown purpose – such as getting at Becky Lynch, whom Cross also has befriended. Bliss’ history would lend itself to that.
It might not be deliberate, but if that thought is there, that’s a good thing. Even Renee Young hinted at it but didn’t dwell on it.