7 Ups And 2 Downs From WWE NXT (Sep 30)

5. Contestant! Cameron Down!

Cameron Grimes

On a personal note, I just want to say that I was delighted to see the return of wrestling's most under-rated and under-used trope this week. A heel bringing out a succession of jobbers for them to crush, each with comically bad entrance music. You hardly ever see it these days, but good lord what a guttural laugh it gets out of me when these nobodies are sent packing 3 seconds after their Oom-pah tune has finished playing. HA!

What was even more impressive was that my initial reaction of "oh, I hope this doesn't go on for too long" was quite jarringly replaced with "oh, this should have gone on for longer" when Ridge Holland emerged from the mean Tea Houses of Yorkshire to lamp our second goon.

Full disclosure, I have no idea how I'm supposed to receive this guy after NXT's rugby-is-the-sport-of-actual-murderers intro package just pummelled me into a laughing fit. But getting DQ'd because you're too much of a blood rage to hear the ref's 5 count, only to then stop kicking your opponent once the bell rings, means he's... Festus?

Regardless, they managed to cram a lot of outlandish enjoyment into a short segment here. Wrestling is a variety show, after all.

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