7 Ups And 5 Downs From WWE Raw (April 27)
4. Get That Duo A Team Name

Whatever you do, just don’t call mash up entrance music of Ricochet and Cedric Alexander, and don’t call them “Team ______” like WWE loved to do several years ago.
But it’s probably time to consider a team name for the new duo, which notched another win Monday night, and were challenged immediately afterward to a rematch against two NXT wrestlers they beat the previous week. That’s a pretty good setup for a team Jim Ross would call “quicker than a hiccup.”
Overall, the tandem has now won three of their last four matches together, losing only to the Viking Raiders. They might not rise to the level of Raw Tag Team Champions for a while (or ever), but you need solid teams in a successful division, so this is a good thing to see here.
Of course, in a couple weeks they could lose to a returning AOP or Austin Theory & Angel Garza and thus undo this praise.