7 Ups And 5 Downs From WWE Raw (Dec 16)
2. Lana Hits Repeat

Watching Lana and Bobby Lashley’s segment at the top of the second hour, it became apparent what is one of the biggest drawbacks of this entire saga:
Lana can’t cut a promo to save her life.
During Monday’s in-ring promo, Lana kept trying to describe how Lashley defeated her ex-husband Rusev at TLC and how he was such a hot, amazing guy. She proceeded to stammer over herself, using the same adjectives a half-dozen times. It was bad, and really noticeable, like she was stuck and only had the previous lines memorized and just recycled them to get through the next part of the script.
The segment itself, in which Lana asked Lashley to propose to her (which he did), wasn’t all that bad, but it’s worth noting that this might be a sizable reason why these segments fall apart: Lana can’t hold her part of them together.