7 Ups And 5 Downs From WWE Raw (March 23)
2. Thrown-Together Tag Title Match
If you’d been following Raw in the weeks leading up to the whole world changing, you would think there were two lower-tier title matches on tap: a United States Championship bout involving some combination of Andrade, Angel Garza, Rey Mysterio and Humberto Carrillo, and a Raw Tag Team Championship contest between Street Profits and God knows who in the tag division.
Instead, it was announced Monday night that Andrade and Garza would be teaming up against the Profits for the Raw tag titles at WrestleMania 36. Nevermind that these teams had never interacted and there was no reason for it. Forget the months of buildup surrounding the four Latino superstars that pointed to a possible fatal four-way match for the US title.
Nope, we’re getting this match. Now, this could be a show-stealer – Garza and Andrade showed their chops Monday night – but in terms of continuity, it was a hell of a left turn. It also just renders months of an angle between the four wrestlers moot.
Anyone have an explanation for this that we’re missing here?