7 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (August 13)
4. More Time On The Hamster Wheel
Speaking of matches that seemed like time-filler…
Ever since they reconciled, Sasha Banks and Bayley have continued a “running in place” act, battling the Riott Squad in some fashion for the past three weeks. There’s been no mention of Banks professing her “love” for Bayley, so that antenna-raising line has been seemingly dropped.
Monday’s match between Sasha Banks and Ruby Riott was fine for what it was, but there was no real advancement, just another match involving the same players. It actually was the sixth match on Raw involving the duo and Riott Squad members in the past two months.
Is this going somewhere? Maybe if WWE rolled out the rumored Women’s Tag Team Championships, it would make a little sense, but this just was more filler.