7 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Oct. 12)
1. Channeling His Inner Eddie

If you were going to find a unique way to finally (hopefully) end the Hurt Business’ feud with Apollo Crews and company, most would never have predicted the route WWE took Monday night.
A week after telling the Hurt Business that they’d keep fighting every week until they got tired of it, Ricochet approached the stable and made a deal: one last match between him and any member of the quartet. If he won, they’d leave him alone and squash the rivalry. If he lost, he’d join the crew. (This was helpful, especially since Crews was later drafted to SmackDown.)
But during Ricochet’s match against Cedric Alexander, the One and Only did something great. With the referee down, MVP tried to pass a chair to Alexander, only for Ricochet to intercept it. Seeing the ref stirring, Ricochet wound up… and hit the mat loudly. He then tossed the chair to Cedric and feigned fainting, then pretended he had been hit by a chair
Anyone who watched Eddie Guerrero wrestle knew exactly what was happening. The ref called for a DQ, meaning Ricochet picked up the win – and thus (hopefully) ending this never-ending feud with the Hurt Business.
Aside from being a clever (and funny) end to a horrible feud, it also protected the Hurt Business. They got outsmarted, but no one got pinned, and it didn’t really hurt them. Ricochet had to resort to trickery to get away from the group, and now they can turn their attention elsewhere.