7 Ups And 8 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (June 17)
6. Ricochet Notches Title Shot

Call this a tenuous “up” for now, because Ricochet could just be a challenger of the moment.
But the One and Only outlasted four other wrestlers to earn a shot at the United States Championship at Stomping Grounds on Sunday, giving us an intriguing matchup between Ricochet and Samoa Joe. The two could gel really well and it could be a sleeper at the PPV.
And at the same time, Ricochet earning a title shot after pinning Braun Strowman (with a lot of help from Cesaro and Bobby Lashley) and Miz is a pretty good thing, along with overcoming a sneak attack by Joe afterward.
However, if this is just setting Ricochet up to lose to Joe in yet another WWE David versus Goliath match, then the company is missing the point. Ricochet is seriously a wonderful, can’t-miss talent, and every day WWE spends wavering with him is a day wasted.
So we’ll see what happens on Sunday.