7 Ways To Make WWE More Exciting

1. Get Rid Of Authority Figures

The title of this piece is about making WWE "more exciting" and that means seeing less of the faces of Triple H as well as Stephanie McMahon. We get it, guys. You have a lot of power behind the scenes, you are major forces in everything that WWE does and you will be in those spots for the next 30 years if you want them, but get off our TV please. It's so boring to have to watch Triple H and Stephanie in the ring to open Raw or to address things. They used to do this on TV 14 years ago before they were legitimately married and it was fine then because they were at least cool a bit. Now it's just repetitive and boring. Just because the heel authority figure worked well for Vince McMahon against Steve Austin 16 years ago does not mean that there always has to be a heel authority figure in WWE. We shouldn't care about who makes the matches. We should care about the people IN the matches. The authority figures get too much attention. Get rid of them. If they need somebody to make decisions, put a former wrestler in charge in a role similar to Jack Tunny in the 1990s when he would announce important things from behind the desk. They should only appear once in a while, not 4-5 times every show. Will it happen? Of course not because Hunter and Steph help run the company. Nobody that works there is going to suggest anything like this.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.