7 Ways NXT Is WWE's New SmackDown

7. New Faces

Back when the Brand Extension was in full effect, SmackDown! was synonymous with great wrestling talent. The Rock famously called SmackDown! 'his' show but The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar and HHH all became faces of SmackDown! and every champion made it his own. Since 2011, however, the split roster feels like the most crucial piece of the puzzle that WWE is currently missing. Fans are now being subjected to over-saturation of specific wrestlers during hot feuds and, likewise, some superstars are victims of being pushed out of the line-up completely (something we€™ll get to later). What NXT manages to do then is offer its audience deviation from the norm. Instead of tuning in to see John Cena AA Randy Orton for the fiftieth time this year, how about watching Sami Zayn storm Tyler Breeze with a tornado DDT, or Adrian Neville put the Red Arrow on Tyson Kidd. More than that, how about a woman€™s match that doesn€™t feel like filler or a tag match that doesn€™t rely on Damien Mizdow schmoozing the audience. NXT also has room for outside talent from other territories, such as recent acquisitions Hideo Itami, Kevin Owens and Finn Balor. This isn€™t a question of what is better, more of an option to pick what YOU prefer. Go to WWE for Bray Wyatt; come to NXT for Bull Dempsey. The choice is yours...

Screenwriter, musician and all-round troublemaker who, when not lifting weights or securing buildings poorly, is here writing about wrasslin' and other crazy things.