7 Ways WWE Can Improve The Product This Year
2. Hit The Reset Button

Every so often, it’s a good idea to hit the reset button. The Authority angle ran its course long ago. Shane is a welcome fresh face, and the good news is that with him we are seeing the rise of several new stars, almost all from NXT. Enzo and Cass, Sami Zayn, and dare I say the Bullet Club? We could be on the precipice of a new era, and that would be cause for excitement, because the WWE desperately needs it.
Major shakeups are a delicate thing, and I get that. The whole WCW/ECW Invasion angle was executed perfectly to start, and then botched horribly along the way. Nobody wants a repeat of that, but at the same time, shakeups are a necessary evil when the storytelling has gone stale on a major level. That’s pretty much where we’re at.
I do anticipate there to be some sort of Authority vs. Shane angle in the future, and maybe that leads to the ushering in of a new era. To my way of thinking, this should be done once a year in some form or another in order to keep storylines fresh. It’s rare that a major plot will hold the interest of the audience for longer than that, but of course there are exceptions. The Authority is not one of them.
So shake things up. Do something unexpected. Break up stables. Form new ones. Let’s see some heel/face turns. Let’s see some stars come back and astonish us in ways we cannot predict. Post-WrestleMania is the time to get us invested again. SummerSlam isn’t too far off in the horizon, and this is the perfect time to build toward that.
And finally…