7 Wrestlers Who Weren't The Same Without The Mask

7. Abyss

Abyss is TNA's masked man and has been since the company started in 2002 although the Abyss character started in 2003. He was their version of Kane basically. He was supposed to be this disfigured freak that didn't act normally because of his tormented youth. When he was paired with Jim Mitchell as his manager it really worked for him because a character like that needed to be led by somebody. In March of 2012, after nearly a decade of wrestling as this masked freak Abyss, he appeared as Joseph Park. It was actually an entertaining gimmick since he said he was the brother of Abyss and he was a wrestler, not a lawyer. Of course he ended up wrestling, even becoming quite good at it. Like most things in TNA, they botched things up and the storyline didn't reach its full potential although Joseph Park did win people because he was such a fun character. There was a big difference between Abyss with the mask and Joseph Park. As Abyss, he could get away with being a lunatic that loved matches with weapons, particularly "Janice" his bat with spikes. He was a really good character for TNA. As Park, it was more of a comedy role that didn't really matter in the long run. Abyss is a guy that probably should have been in WWE at some point in his career because he was good enough to be there, but he likely enjoyed things in TNA and never wanted to leave. Some people are like that. Nothing wrong with that.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.