7 Wrestlers Who Weren't The Same Without The Mask

5. Juventud Guerrera

Juventud Guerrera was brought into WCW in 1996 at around the same time as Rey Mysterio Jr., the previously mentioned Psicosis and other cruiserweight wrestlers. He was a talented wrestler that performed in a mask. He quickly won the fans over because after Mysterio, he was one of the better ones. You could just tell when watching him. He lost his mask in February of 1998 after losing a Title vs. Mask match against Chris Jericho. Following his unmasking in WCW, they tried something with him where he was known as "The Juice" and he was doing these promos as if he was The Rock. He kept talking in the third person. It was funny because his broken English was bad and he was intentionally trying to be an idiot, but it also hurt him as an in-ring performer. People weren't in awe of his wrestling skill when he was unmasked. He became just another guy. When Juvi joined WWE with Psicosis and Super Crazy to form the Mexicools in June of 2005, their run was brief. They actually let him do his promos as "The Juice" for a bit. His WWE run lasted about six months, but since WWE wanted to push the cruiserweights again he actually won the Cruiserweight Title two times. He ended up getting fired because he wasn't safe in the ring and not listening to direction from agents. While "The Juice" promos were entertaining in a weird way, he's another guy that lost something when he went without the mask. With the mask on, he was cool. Without the mask he looked like he was trying too hard to fit in and make a difference.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.