7 Wrestlers Who Ruined Their Careers By Refusing Jobs

5. Buff Bagwell

If there's one thing WCW did for Buff Bagwell, it's give him an inflated opinion of his star power. In Atlanta, Bagwell was a home grown star, one often on the cusp of becoming a main-event level player. He'd never quite reach those heights, but he did have some reported pull behind the curtain. Giving one example, Buff - along with his then-partner Lex Luger - refused to do jobs to several up-and-comers in the company. That kind of thing may have been fine and dandy during the chaotic latter years of WCW, but it didn't much appeal to the WWF. As far as they were concerned, Bagwell's history didn't matter when they signed him out of the ashes of their former competition. Buff wasn't initially signed when WCW went to the wall, but the decision was made to bring him into the WWF to try and beef up the roster. This proved to be a mistake, because Bagwell's attitude was rotten. Officials hated his match against Booker T on the July 9th, 2001 episode of Raw, but that wasn't all he had going against him. WWE Hall Of Fame announcer Jim Ross has scratched his head numerous times over phone calls received by Buff's mother, Judy to his office. According to Judy, Buff had to pull out of events due to illness, or didn't think he should be losing to certain wrestlers. Obviously, the WWF tired of this, and sent him packing.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.