7 Wrestlers Who Ruined Their Careers By Refusing Jobs

3. Bret Hart

This is quite the controversial one, because a lot of pro wrestling fans will see a different side of things. Admittedly, Shawn Michaels had earlier refused to job to Bret Hart, but that fact didn't serve to ruin Shawn's career. Unfortunately for Bret, his stubbornness cost him in late-1997. Setting the scene, this was the backdrop of the infamous 'Montreal Screwjob', one of the most talked about incidents in wrestling history. On his way out of the WWF and joining WCW, Bret wanted to leave with his head held high. Unconcerned with that, Vince McMahon was keenly aware that Hart was the WWF Heavyweight Champion. His only worry was removing the belt from Hart's possession, and he wanted to put it on Shawn Michaels. That's where the trouble started, because Bret didn't want to lose to Shawn, especially not in his native Canada. A conspiracy was concocted between McMahon, Michaels, referee Earl Hebner and others to get the strap from Bret at Survivor Series on November 9th, '97. In the main event, Bret was under the impression that the match would end in disqualification, and he'd still be champion. That didn't happen, and the referee called for the bell when Hart was locked in his own Sharpshooter submission move. Michaels left with the belt, and Bret left the WWF on extremely bad terms. From there, he joined WCW, but his career was never the same after Survivor Series. Bret's heart (ironically) just didn't seem to be in wrestling any longer, he was badly affected by what had happened. On one hand, it was cruel to screw him over this way. On the other, Hart didn't do himself any favours by simply refusing the job.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.