7 Wrestling Rules That WWE Forgets Exist

6. Over The Top Rope

Deliberately throwing an opponent over the top ring rope is grounds for immediate disqualification. The exception to this is the battle royal.

What's The "Wrestling Reason" For This Rule Existing?

In a kayfabe, the rule was put in place to protect wrestlers from injury, and to stop matches from spilling out onto the floor to the danger of the spectators. It was also considered a brutal tactic that had no place in a modern wrestling ring, especially in arenas where there were no mats on the concrete arena floor.

What's The Real Reason?

Younger fans might think this rule is extremely stupid. However, you have to remember the original point: Why are rules put in place? For the heels to break them. If everyone in the arena knows that it's an automatic disqualification with no warning if you toss someone over the top rope, what easier way to get heat than to distract the referee and throw your babyface opponent over the top and to the floor?

Now the crowd is booing you, the referee didn't see anything, and there's a chance for both wrestlers to rest. If being tossed over the top and to the floor is sold like it's a devastating maneuver, then the crowd will buy that it's a devastating maneuver - and it's easy heat for the heel. It loses its impact when guys are taking bumps over the top rope in dark matches and then popping back up like they just got hit with a pillow.


Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.