7 Wrestling Rules That WWE Forgets Exist

5. Outside Interference

Any interference in a match on the part of an individual who is not a designated participant shall be grounds for the disqualification of the contestant (s) who, in the referee€'s judgment was being aided by said interference. This stipulation shall apply to managers and seconds as well as to any other parties who illegally involve themselves in a wrestling match.

What's The "Wrestling Reason" For This Rule Existing?

In any legitimate sport (which is how wrestling should be booked as), there is an absolute zero tolerance policy of any outside interference in a contest between two competitors. Can you imagine if Daniel Cormier was fighting Stipe Miocic in the UFC and suddenly Brock Lesnar came running into the cage to distract Cormier? You actually think the UFC would allow the fight to continue? No. That's why he waited until afterwards...

What's The Real Reason?

Just as before: it's an opportunity for heels to earn heat. Take Jimmy Hart, for example. He weighs about 100 lbs. soaking wet and everyone in the arena knows that he's the biggest wimp in history... so how do you get heat on the guy? You let him attack babyfaces from behind and get his cheap shots in wherever he can. Jim Cornette made a career out of great promos and whacking people in the head with his tennis racket when the referee's back was turned. Managers can't get heat by standing toe-to-toe with a wrestler and beating them up, so they need a shortcut.

WWE has completely ignored this rule for so long that they practically lampshade the fact. One of their most overdone finishes is to have someone's entrance music hit, completely distracting whoever is in the ring and leaving them vulnerable to a roll-up from behind. It's totally lazy and it's repeated so often that you can almost set your watch to it - yet the ref always lets it pass. Imagine if an opposite sub ran up to the goalie during the World Cup final and goaded him as his teammates scored into an empty net. Ridiculous!


Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.