7 WWE Raw Returns That Happened Last Night
6. Bo Dallas
You'd better Bo-lieve it, the littlest big man is back by The Miz' side after several weeks on the sidelines with a dreaded viral infection that took down his brother, his lover, and The Shield's baddest mutha.
It was pretty much back to business as usual too, with Dallas dodging the worst of a brutal show-closing attack (more on that later), but still falling foul of abuse from Kurt Angle and later those that hastily distanced themselves from Miz' garbage truck attack on Braun Strowman.
It may be a bit-part, but Dallas has always proven bizarrely effective as a bit-part player. His return alongside his 'A-lister' leader was a welcome return to the fold, restoring the feckless triumvirate to their most preferable aesthetic.