Rumour has it that Cena is a big fan of gaming, a story which this t-shirt would surely back up. This retro, Nintendo-inspired effort stems from the pixellated world of the old NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) console, and does a good job of aping the company's distinctive, bright visual style. Even the font beneath the main image is reminiscent of Nintendo's old school box art, while the 'Sports Entertainment System' pun is a clear nod to the tee's old-school influences. The main image could easily be likened to a specific NES game - the beloved 'Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!' - although similarities between Cena and Little Mac are decidedly thin on the ground. One is a dominant, musclebound, 15-time World Champion; the other was more likely to have gamers hurling their controller at the wall in rage, such was the game's notorious difficulty.